Food intolerance test

On our food intolerance consultation we examine the chronic hypersensitivity evolved from mutual effects of digestive and immune system, caused by certain foodstuffs. The human body “does not tolerate” their consumption and protest against it with unpleasant symptoms.

Less than 2 % of the population suffers from food allergy, but the ratio of population concerned somehow with food intolerance is estimated to 45 %.

Food allergy – which may have life-threatening symptoms either – is the human body’s immediate reaction to some particular foodstuffs. Its diagnosis and pharmaceutical treatment requires specialist’s consultation.

Frequent symptoms are:

digestive disorders (bloating, constipation or diarrhea), headache, weight problems, sleeping disorders, skin problems, joint problems.

By contrast symptoms in evolving food intolerance occur not immediately after the consumption of the triggering foodstuff, but after some days, even weeks, and their severity depends on the quantity of the food eaten. Symptoms are persist until the foodstuff triggering food intolerance is part of the patient’s diet, or the food’s ingredients causing food intolerance are not depleted from the human body. This will happen within 2-3 weeks after withdrawal of the food.

Recognition and diagnosis of the food intolerance is performed by food intolerance test.

In one test carried out from blood taken from fingertip the foods – 46 sort of foodstuff – against which food intolerance evolved – may be detected within an hour.

In another test of ours we’ll get results after 4 days, the test is performed from venous blood and 226 foodstuffs are investigated.

Food intolerance recognized by test needs no pharmaceutical treatment. Specialist and dietitian provide help in design of a diet in accordance with the symptoms. Symptoms generally are ceased if the suggested diet was kept.